The Liebster Award!

Posted: April 16, 2015 in Nominations

Okay,so you know I joined this site like a week back or so and honestly I had no idea how to start,what to do,I just needed a place to write and today in my notifications I see that Shubhit Khaneja had nominated me for The Liebster Award!
Honestly I think this is a great concept that let’s young/new bloggers get recognised.I honestly feel so privileged that there are some people who think my writings are worth reading and want me to get recognised! I’m obviously going accept it,I mean who in their right mind would not want to promote their blog.
Hence,Thank you Shubhit Khaneja
Go check him out guys


Anyway,this is how the award goes:
(Its apparently a chain and I copied the rules from Shubhit’s blog)

•Once you are nominated, make a post thanking and linking the person who nominated you.
•Include the Liebster Award sticker in the post too.
•Nominate 10 other bloggers who you feel are worthy of this award.
• Let them know they have been nominated by commenting on one of their posts.
•You can also nominate the person who nominated you.
•Ensure all of these bloggers have less than 200 followers.
•Answer the ten questions asked to you by the person who nominated you, and make ten questions of your own for your nominees.
•Lastly, COPY these rules in the post.

Also these are the questions which were given to me!

What’s the philosophy of your life?

•Definitely, live and let it

Five advices you would give to your future self?

1) Its okay to love your self,be selfish and take care of yourself,cause if you dont then who will?
2)No matter how chilled out or laid back you are,there will always be some people who’ll dislike you for no reason,don’t let them get to you.
3)Its also fine to be afraid or scared to fall in love again but you need to realise that not everyone wants to inflict pain upon you.
4)No matter what happens never stop caring for people,dont be ashamed of the fact that you’re very emotional, its what makes you,you.
5)DONT EVER GIVE UP or think that you’re a damaged person and nobody wants you cause you’ve got such amazing friends who love you for who you are, start breathing, smile more often, stop thinking that you’re broken.

How did you get into writing?
Hahah well honestly I was way too emotional,I still am and I used to cry like really easily within seconds and I have never liked sharing my problems and it wasn’t like I dont have friends and all,I do and I love them and they won’t ever mind helping me but I always felt as if I would burden them if I told them since they might be having problems of their own so I needed a place to vent out hence writing.

Which genre of books you like to read and why?

Ahhh,honestly I love reading romantic comedies,I’m a sucker for cute love stories and probably cause those are the only times when guys aren’t jerks🙌

A book you read and thought ‘I could have wrote that better’?
I honestly dont know,I mean I love all books but I was really disappointed in The Maze Runner series,so probably that one.

A book/author that(who) is over-rated

None,I am no one to judge,every author has its own story and that is a very fragile thing to be rated as over-rated.

Three books that you would want to suggest for reading?

1)Ugly Love-Colleen Hoover
2)Bully- Penelope Douglas
3)Almost every Nicholas Spark novel
Remember I’m a sucker for romantic comedies,if you want to read them,don’t blame me,you’ve been warned

What are loopholes in your writing that you want to remove?

I honestly dont know,I still have to discover my writing,I’ve just started recently.

What’s the best and worst part of your personality?

Best- Probably that I can make anyone smile or motivate someone or give the best life advices, keep hidden the darkest secrets, no matter what happens I will always be there for you,I’m extremely loyal and I’ll tell you the trust and my honest opinions,I dont sugar coat stuff.
•Worst- If I’m sad,I’ll start believing that this world sucks and how everything is my fault,no matter what happens if you’re giving me a warning or advice to not to do a certain thing cause it’s not good for me,I’ll end up doing that,I have a habit of getting life lessons of my own and won’t learn from others mistakes. Also I’m very hard headed and determined so that can be a very dangerous thing cause then I never ever listen to anyone.

Feedback for my blog? (I prefer constructive criticism instead of praises)

I have got nothing but good stuff to say about your blog,although since I find you a very versatile writer,its my advice that you should fix up days for your posts, like your poems can be on Mondays ,while your views on the society(The equal rights post and all) can be done on Tuesdays,it’ll be easier for your followers to be updated.

I further nominate:
1)Mysteriously Unique
2)Wandering Violet
3)Tokoni O Uti
4)Lydia Ravenhall Photography Blog
6)Sarah hale
I’m apologise that I cannot nominate 4 more people,I’m new here and I do not know many blogs!
I hope you accept this!

These are the questions that I hope youll answer

1)Why did you start writing?
2)Have you ever thought of publishing your own book?
3)What do you love doing the most?
4)If a less privileged, slum dweller came up to you asking for food,not money food what would you do?
5)Have you ever donated anything?
6)Do you think people should fall in love or spread love in general?If yes,then why so?
7)Name that one thing you really want to do but are very scared too?
8)What calms you down?
9)What should be the last line of your biography?
10)Feedback for my blog, please?xx

I am honestly very happy right now
Thank you so much to everyone!
Much love❤

  1. Loved the feedback, will surely work on that. Cheers!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Heya!
    I have made the post about the Leibster you nominated me for.Check it out.:D

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Tom2605 says:

    Good for you 😀 You’re a great writer and you deserve the nomination AND the award 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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